Saturday, November 29, 2008

All That's Left...

We've now officially finished up recording for the 5 songs on our upcoming EP- all that's left is mixing! We'll leave it to the master of engineering- Markimus Strongus- to handle that with all the brain and brawn it takes.

In other news, one of our members was "let go" from his job due to some rather violating pictures his company happened to see on the Internet...

WHAT?! No no no- nothing like THAT at all. As you all might have seen, briefly, we had some new promos up on Myspace about a week ago. Turns out the hangar in which we were shooting was private property (even though one of us was an employee there) and we were "trespassing" (even though there were attendants still working there who said nothing against our being there). The company demanded the pictures be taken down because the customers' planes' safety would be in question, even though no customers would've been able to tell if they were their planes or not. And they fired our guy. Because- I'm just going to say it- they're utter assholes and they don't know what a mere scolding for a completely harmless misunderstanding/misinformation of rules and policies is.

Whatevs, we're over it. HCA, go suck on a &^$%ing lemon.

More to come.


Monday, November 10, 2008

We Know, Plato! on Gossip Girl TONIGHT!

Hey everyone, we just found out literally like 30 minutes ago that our song, "Satellites" is going to air on tonight's episode of Gossip Girl. So for those of you on the east coast you sadly will not be able to catch it tonight but can find it in repeats and online, however you central and West Coast people it's not too late for you. So tune in to Gossip Girl on the CW and listen up for "Satellites".

Tell all your friends to tune in as well.

EDIT: We found a video where our whole song is featured...

That is all for now.
We Know, Plato!

Here comes the music

The wait is finally coming to an end.

All last week I worked on the mix for the final song on our upcoming EP, 'Mothra', I was quite concerned and was being weighed down a bit by the daunting task I had ahead of me with mixing that song. It is a monster of a song and not just in the name alone. Fortunately, I had some long, late nights free this week to piece everything together for the mammoth song and it is now coming together nicely and looks to be the first song that will be completed for the EP. 'Love Song for a Drawing' and 'Room 328' are close behind, leaving only "Sandstorm" and "Moon & The Sun" to be finalized. So it's all shaping up rather nicely now and everything is starting to really come together.

Today, Ben came by and we finished up the final vocal tracks for all the songs with the exception of "Moon & The Sun" which we will finish up sometime next week. The goal is to have the final mixes nearing completion, or at least close, by the first of December. At the rate things are progressing now that is definitely workable. After that the rest is easy.

In other news, while Ben was over we recorded scratch vocals for one of our new demos, 'There's a Well'. We wrote that one in the spring around the same time that we wrote 'Caution Signs'. In fact, the demos had already been in the works back in the spring, but then the EP got going full force and we couldn't finish the second demo. So now I'd say in a week we will have a rough demo of 'There's a Well' posted on MySpace for you all to enjoy and to hold you over until this EP is wrapped up, which again, will be very soon!!!! So stay tuned for 'There's a Well' sometime next week!

Now I would like to take this time to thank you all so much for your patience with this EP. I know you are all very eager to hear the new songs and we are just as eager to have you hear them. It has been a learning process for all of us working on this thing and has made us all the better for it. Lots of things got in the way of progress, mainly work schedules and some major technical difficulties early on. So once again, thank you all and we are almost there!

We all feel this is going to be a great collection of songs. It's a bit of a departure from our previous sound on "In Moonlit Sound", for that was just a two man project and this is the first full band effort. The mood is darker and heavier in places on this EP, but there is still the core foundation of mine and Ben's song collaboration which still carry the WK,P! sound over from the first EP to this one. Not to sound cliche, but this is a much more mature sound and we feel you will enjoy the songs and that it will have been well worth the wait.

Anyway, thanks again for your patience and for hanging in there with us, it won't be too much longer.
We Know, Plato!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Java Jive

Where oh where do i start? How about from the very beginning of it all?!

About a month ago, Todd had the idea to play Java Jive -(Java Jive is a 'benefit' concert for the music department at Atlee High School). It's mostly comprised of a bunch of bands that go to Atlee, but they have had bands like The Never and SNMNMNM play too. So I told Todd to work it all out and make some calls.

A few days later and a bunch of phone calls to Melissa Sunderland, the strings teacher/Java Jive leader/and violin player for Moruza who we have played some shows with in the past, we were in!

Since she was the strings teacher, we thought that we would get some of her students to sit in on a song during our set. After a few more calls, it was a-go! The following Monday, Todd, Ben, and I went in and started to teach the class 'Hollow Bird'. Or rather, Ben taught and we just rocked out. We then went back once more to work with the 'chosen ones' and run through it a few times. Mark was there this time.

Then came Friday, the day of the show. We (Ben, Todd, TK *known as 'Roadmaster K' to most*, and I) arrived at Mark's place to load up the PA System, the Keyano, drums, amps, and tons of cords. On second thought- Todd, TK, and I all arrived early and loaded it all up so that Ben didn't have anything to do when he came. Because he's that awesome. Soon after, we left for the school and arrived a little early (about 4 o' clock), so we ended up not having much to do til about 6:15. While Roadmaster K and I started to set up all of our gear on the left stage (there were two, so one band could set up while the other was performing- anyone remember Roanoke College?), Mark, Ben, and Todd went to get foods and beverages. Once they got back, we sound checked while all the helpers and other bands watched (and ever-so politely played their own stuff in the background). After a short excerpt from 'Love Song', everyone cheered and clapped. It was just a sound check and we got applause! Pretty sweet.

Once the acts started at 7, we were all sitting at our merch table with all of the shirts Todd and I made and all of our cds. All these new people came over and chatted, bought shirts and cds, got us to sign everything from pieces of paper to cds to shirts to shoes. I signed 3 shoes!

Once the band before us ended, the whole crowd shifted over to our side. They surrounded us and stood about two feet away.

Our set was..
'I Hope You Like Ice Cream" (which is a working title. I'm not sure what Ben has named/will name it)...'Blue June'
'Hollow Bird' w/strings
'Caution Signs'
'Love Song for a Drawing'
'Moon and The Sun'

The crowd was into us almost immediately. The two things that stuck out the most for me were: My stick flying out of my hand and hitting a girl standing in front of me. She was OK and she got to keep the stick, which made her happy. She actually hung out with us until the very end of the night. Oh fourteen year-olds.

The second was the end of Moon and The Sun. I had no plans on how to end it, I just went with whatever I wanted to on the spot. I ended up knocking over my snare and hi-hat while turning to the right and knocking over the floor tom. I then grabbed the ride cymbal stand and picked it up and played it while pounding on the bass with my left foot. I then thought it would be a good idea to get on top of the bass drum while holding and crashing on the ride. So I did. The crowd went nuts. As the end approached, I jumped off and threw my ride down. it broke the stand.Then someone's HEAD exploded.

It was over. I didn't want it to be, and I don't think the crowd did either.

I'm pretty sure I can say that is was the best performance and the best drumming that I have ever done. It was definitely the most fun and exciting show too.

I'd also like to thank my band-mates for everything that they did. They helped make it awesome too!

We still have some shirts available too. I'm not sure which designs since they are at Mark's place, but here are some examples and if you want one, contact us and we'll send you pics of what all is available.

Also, don't forget about the FREE ALL AGES show Friday night Oct. 17th at Highwater Restaurant with At The Stars. We go on at 9pm!

over and out!
We Know, Plato!
with additions by Benvolio

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Featured on OurStage's Daily Blog

I was just informed today that randomly and out of the blue, We Know, Plato! are featured in the daily blog on

And even more to my surprise they are featuring "Hollow Bird". Out of all the songs they chose to feature they picked what seems to be our least popular song, at least by fans. However, myself, Todd and Ben are all fans of this song. It's an enigma.

But yeah head over to check out the blog and be sure to sign up with the site so you can vote for us in future competitions as well as discover great new bands and win awesome prizes for yourself. It's an amazing site and lots of fun. Check it out if you have yet to do so,

That is all for now and thanks for voting for those of you that did.
& We Know, Plato!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

More Updates for October

Ok Everyone,

It's me again writing to update you on how progress is coming with the EP as well as other news.

First, the EP is coming along pretty well. We are almost done tracking. A little behind schedule but nowhere near how behind we were way back when we had to record the drum parts over and over and over again. Love Song and Sandstorm are close to completion with the exception of the final vocal tracking and bass tracking which shouldn't prove too difficult or time consuming.
I still feel the Ep will be ready to go before October's end. The biggest obstacle now that could delay the project is just coming up with the insane amount of money it costs to get a CD mastered and printed. So hopefully by time everything is done we will have that all sorted out too.

Next, we have two shows coming up in October, at least as of right now. The first show on October 7th will be at our favorite small venue, The Camel; with our good pal alexENGGIST and the California band, Run, Run, Run. Should be a great show so come on out if you can.

The next show is at Highwater Restaurant in Toad's Place on October 17th. This will be with our friends and amazing band, At The Stars. If you like old school U2, Coldplay and Radiohead come on out and check out At The Stars and of course definitely come out to see us open the set that night.

Oh yeah, we will have TWO NEW SONGS to unveil to you at both shows, we might even have a few more than two by the 17th, we'll see how that goes. We will also have a few other little surprises at the shows.

And lastly...

T-SHIRTS!!!! We will finally have them!!!!
Yes it's true, We will have We Know, Plato! t-shirts for sale at our next shows.
We are aiming to have them done in time for the October 7th show but DEFINITELY by the October 17th show.

So there you have it, you now have even more great incentive to come to the shows we have lined up for the month of October!
Everyone come out, show your support, hear some old and new songs and get yourself some WK,P! T-Shirts. Don't forget to bring all your friends too.

Thanks for stopping by!
& We Know, Plato!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Turn On The Outside Lights EP - OCTOBER RELEASE!

Alright kids!

I know it has been a very VERY long wait and a wait that neither I nor the rest of the band could have anticipated. We ran into some issues with tracking the drums which we had to record first before we could move forward with the rest of the instruments, and finally figured it all out and at long, long last got the drums recorded and ready to go.

Now I have set a strict and solid schedule I am trying my best to keep. In between working a day job and sleeping I am going to be spending every free moment recording the rest of the instruments and mixing. The first two weeks of September are slated for Recording the rest of the parts for all the songs and the second two weeks are devoted to mixing the songs.

So given that schedule we will have final mixes of all songs ready to be sent off to be mastered and then printed up at the start of October. After that it is just in the hands of the mastering engineer and the press and then soon we will have the final product ready for release by the middle or at the latest the end of October.

I know it has been a long wait and we thank you so much for hanging in there and being patient with us. We know this batch of songs will be worth the wait.

We will keep you all updated as we get closer to a set release date.

Thanks everyone!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Great God

All the "Turn On the Outside Lights EP" banners and such and such you see on our Myspace page? Wellll just so happens they're not accurate whatsoever. Haven't been for quite some time.

Indeed, we had planned to be releasing the new EP by May; no wait- July; no wait, end of August; end of September? Nope. Right now it's looking to be end of October. Maybe a good ol', haunted EP release show. Now that'd be swell. But who knows- maybe it'll be Santa Claus who gets the final say on which nice boys and girls finally get their hands on the EP.

If anyone was still wondering, the show we had last Saturday, in Richmond, for the side project Mark and I now have (Carlyle Petes' Chessmen of Doom) was amazing. Mostly thanks to all the wonderful people, whom we never expected to show up, showing up. Of course, there are two types of people we would've never expected to show up; there's: (I'm a BIG fan of lists- can you tell?)

  • 1. The type that say they're friends/fans and either maybe going to, going to try to, or even flat out GOING to come, but then...don't.

  • 2. The type that would have a more legitimate reason not to come- usually in the form of being a little too far away. THIS was the group that really shined that night, and gave me more faith in the diminishment of the roll that Time and Distance play on Friendship/Fanship/Givingaship.

    We had people come out all the way from both ends of Virginia. My friend Kelly came all the way from Roanoke, my sister and brother-in-law from Charlottesville, and my old friends came out from all the way over on the Eastern Shore of Virginia (across the bay, East from Va Beach). Kelly's a true devotée- you'll see her up as the lovely Kellbells on our Top Friends (friend her- she's amazing); she almost always finds a way to make it out to our main shows. My sister and brother-in-law have been out to see us a couple of times; but the Eastern Shore folks presence really hit me hard. Gave me pomp like I'd never had. Mark and I clambered onto that stage and the gears never stopped turning. It was magnificent.

    (Stepping off the screen for a second, I'd like to note that - I don't know if you caught it, but- I started this entry in a particularly sarcastic and defeating mood- but talking about this show has cheered me up a bit. Thank goodness. Let's try and carry on in the light of that.)

    Anyway, that new project of ours now has a Myspace, so PLEASE check us out HERE and friend us if you haven't done so already. And I'd just like to thank Lucas F., Ben A., Ben F., Christen G., Andrew F., Tatum S., Colin M., James M., and that Austin guy that was pretty damn nice and cool.

    To wrap up, I WILL deliver some delightful Plato! news, and that is that: we HAVE finished up a final design to be made into our very first batch of t-shirts, which will be first available at our October 7th show at The Camel, with our good friend, the ever-so-soulful-and-honest Alex Enggist, and the excellent band Run, Run, Run. So please please please try to make it out, so that you can be one of the very very first to get your hands on We Know, Plato!'s, first ever T-SHIRT.

    Have a wonderful night, and DON'T be like me: make friends, don't lose them; listen to music; and get a worthwhile job.

  • Tuesday, August 19, 2008

    7 maybe 8 in 5

    You may or may not know by now but Ben and I are doing a little side project, currently dubbed Carlyle Petes' Chessmen of Doom, in order to do something a little less We Know, Plato! like, but then again so are Daniel and Todd. So maybe one day we will be able to book a whole show with nothing but WK,P! related acts.

    Anyway, while Daniel and Todd choose to keep their project tightly under wraps, Ben and I are trying finish up writing, arranging and learning 7 or 8 brand new songs at a frantic pace so that we can unveil them in some fashion or another at our "acoustic" non-acoustic show this coming Saturday at The Camel.

    It has been a bit crazy to say the least, but it is very much the same way We Know, Plato! started when Ben and I played our first show up in Harrisonburg about 2 years ago. At least this time we have lyrics to all the songs.

    But yes, it has been a pretty hectic pace trying to fit in practices whenever we can. So far we have managed to get some sort of arrangement and structure to about 7 songs. Of course, I am sure as we progress and record the songs, things will change but for now we have a running start which I hope will be mildly entertaining at the show on Saturday.

    I feel I can speak for Ben as well as myself when I say we are quite excited about the idea of the new songs or rather the seedlings of new songs we have brewing. And no need to fear, even though we have our project and Daniel and Todd have theirs, it doesn't mean the end for WK,P! we are still hard at work on this EP. This is just an outlet for both factions of WK,P! to get a bit more creative and go in different directions in order free up creativity for both the side projects and ultimately We Know, Plato!

    So now you will not only have one band creating great music but you will now have three.

    We Know, Plato!

    Tuesday, August 12, 2008

    We Know, Plato! Divulges In "The Midnight Snack"

    My old chum Snack (yes, that is his name to you and all his friends) has his own radio show, entitled "The Midnight Snack" (clever boy!), on VCU's college radio, "The Midnight Snack" is on at -can you guess? that's right- MIDNIGHT, and Snack's going to be promoting We Know, Plato! and a couple of our songs, so tune in! You'll have to have/download Real Player in order to listen in, but it takes about 1 minute to download it and set it up, so there's no trouble.

    This fella is crazy cool and unpredictable, so there's no telling what he might say/not say about the band/music, but I can tell you right now- you're going to enjoy whatever portion of the show you do end up catching!

    Thanks for heeding,
    We Know, Plato!

    Thursday, August 7, 2008

    Ladies and gentleman, WE HAVE DRUMS!

    Yes folks it's finally happened, we have successfully tracked all the drums for all five songs for the upcoming EP. It has been a long , tiresome, drawn-out process and much more time was spent on the drums than we should've spent, but alas we finally have the final drums for all the songs and it sounds pretty great!

    Daniel and I finished up the final two songs on Monday and Tuesday. Monday we tracked drums for 'Mothra' which was a pretty difficult thing since there is a section, the bridge, that speeds up faster than the rest of the song and then going back into the last verse it slows back down to the regular tempo so you can imagine that taking a bit of time and skill to nail it or get even close. However, we were successful and we are feeling good about it.

    Tuesday, we started fresh on the last song, 'Moon & the Sun'. That one was pretty easy so there was not much to say about that, only that it differs from our current live version a bit and we were going to try to record the live version after we got the EP version but time ran out and so we just called it a wrap and celebrated by leaving the studio and knowing we won't have to agonize over the drums for this EP ever again. Now we can move on and we have learned from our mistakes.

    So given that we now move forward with the Ep finally. Sorry for the delay everyone. But you will have your EP or at least be close to having your new WK,P! EP by this fall. Next we will be recording guitar, bass and piano and lastly vocals. Then we go into the mixing stage and then off to be mastered and printed. WOOOOO!!!

    In other news we have two shows coming up this month. The first being August 9th with Bock's Car and a few other harder rocking acts. We seem to always get shows with bands that are nowhere near our style of music but it's still good fun t o be had by all so come on out for that. It will be a rocking show at Rocks on Main St. in Shockoe Bottom.

    Then Ben and I will be doing a stripped-down acoustic type show of pretty much all new material. We may play a WK,P! favorite or two but for the most part it will be stripped down versions of all new songs most of which are still currently unfinished as we speak. haha Therefore, it's not hard to do stripped-down versions of these songs. So come on out for that, it will be a great show with our good pal Brett Harris and this time he has a full band.

    Oh yeah, and you will want to be a part of this show because you may never again hear these songs in this style, as we might change out a chorus or totally change a section of the song when we later record it. This is your chance to hear these new songs in a very raw light.

    Thanks for stopping by and reading these ramblings.

    Thursday, July 24, 2008

    A Three Song Show In A "Foreign Country"

    So- tonight was the big night. It was the night We Know, Plato! came out from hiding, which we have been doing now for 3 months- give or take. It was Todd Baker's first WK,P! show as our new bassist, and it was a first for all of us in that we played a venue that primarily caters to punk and hardcore. So, we did our best to rock up our set as much as we possibly could.

    The night started out swell with a nice dinner combining Qdoba (what the hell does Qdoba even mean? Rock on Chipotlé) and Jersey Mike's. We then proceeded back to the venue to find out what was going on with the PA system. Five bands and not one PA in sight. I then realized that the club doesn't accept credit cards (just aaadds to the slum), so we all walked down to the corner ATM to get some cash for beer. On the way we (or Dan, rather) made several failed attempts to get one of our CDs up to the second story of an apartment building to some college kids who I am sure just destroyed the CD anyway, but who knows. We finally succeeded at that task (after horribly scratching up the CD to almost certain unplayability), and moved on to the ATM for beer money.

    Upon returning to the club, we were still faced with the PA issue and wondered how we were going to be able to put on a show- for a punk crowd- with no PA for keyboards and vocals. Finally, the last band through the door had the the PA system we'd all longed for. So we quickly hooked it up and set up for the show. However, in waiting for the PA and setting everything up we only had time for three songs before we would start to cut into the next band's time slot. Jawesome.

    So yes, we ended up playing only 3 of our most rocking songs to a largely punk crowd, Mothra, Love Song for a Drawing and Moon & The Sun.

    We think they enjoyed us- or at least the people closest to us, as we were basically on top of them and couldn't really tell what was going on behind the crowd. The place is super small, and we were piled upon one another.


    After the show, we packed up, said our weak farewells to Ramakins, and headed out to Friendly's for some ice cream and shakes; mmmmm.

    All in all, it was a good night; full of fun, jokes, punk rockers (with bull rings, bullet belts, and studded leather jackets), and an extremely short set. And a great show for us, considering all the obstacles we faced.

    For all of you who didn't make this show (and that is most of you reading this), PLEASE don't miss our big show at The Canal Club on the 30th!!!

    See you all there!
    & Benvolio

    The Great Race

    Welllll we did it. Depending on what "it" is, we definitely did it.

    Wow- for a few minutes, I was utterly mesmerized by multiple refractions of light creating a ghostly image upon a small portion of my glasses' lens. Now I'm back.

    "It", in this case, is actually synonymous for "strategically putting fliers up". For our Canal Club show. Todd and I sieged every other hot spot in Carytown and Downtown Richmond, including: Plan 9, Galaxy Diner, The Village Cafe, and the front door of Bottom's Up. We didn't really race to put them up, but- having just gotten the fliers done- we do have little time before the show to promote. So, if you're heading out into the city, look for our super swell flier, designed by Todd Baker himself. We'll have some more of these WK,P! fan-specific fliers available for free at the show- just to prove you were there at the roots of our tree of fame.;)

    This is the 2nd to final draft. Final one will be at the show.

    Meanwhile, we also signed on for two more shows- that birthday bash on the 9th of August that I told you about, and one on the 23rd of August- in which Mark and I, as a duo, will be playing an acoustic set that involves partially WK,P! songs, and partially some alternate songs/stylings that will be part of a side-project we're going to be dually rolling on soon, bringing in the aid of our good friend/musician Andy Brockmann. The show will be shared with the likes of our great friend Brett Harris, this time with his FULL BAND (WOO!) and HIS good friend Dylan Gilbert, both of whom hail from that brilliant (and I DO mean it) "Keep Right Except to Pass" state of North Carolina. Honestly, God knows how hard a problem we have with it up in here, up in here.

    Howdy. Get excited.

    July 30th. Canal Club. 7pm.


    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    Hardcore Bands Love Us

    After almost a year of being a full, five-piece band, I think it would be safe to say we've concluded a couple of interesting facts: that Hardcore Bands love us, and thus that Life- that little space of existence we deemed to be finite is- in fact- chocked full of infinite possibilities. My guesses as to why these yelling/moaning/whining bands think we're Grade A material?:

  • Their too-loud-for-old-age-comfort tendencies have skipped their ears' lifespans by about 30 years, and they just can't hear us well enough to realize We Know, Plato! is anywhere but on the same musical wavelength।

  • Two words:
    Daniel Medley.
    Our spunky, often precocious drummer seems to have been born with an affinity for beating things within an inch of their personified life. Whether it be scores in video games, ideas into people's minds, or- err- oh, that's right- the drums, DanDan took the initially meek and innocent sound of WK,P! and replaced the rarely maximized 10-volume notch with that currently crucial, extra "push over the cliff"- the 11-volume notch.
  • Mark is currently the leading salesperson in his department at Guitar Center (on W. Broad St, Richmond- stop by and slip 'im a HELLO! or a Mr. Lincoln) and, with all of that power and responsibility on his hands, he still finds time to chat it up with local musicians who come in to out-drool Mark over the store's torturous collection of equally both amazing and expensive equipment. One of the musicians who has been coming in recently is the frontman for the local Rock/Grunge bandBocks Car, Josh Earley. Mr. Earley has been proposing that we come play a show with them and a few other, progressively harder-cored bands for his friend's birthday bash.

    What's humorous to us, besides the fact that Bocks Car sounds nothing like us, is that we were actually put in a set with them last February at The Canal Club, but left before it was our turn to play. Yes- we left. It's a long story, but the facts of the matter were this: only two bands- one of which was Bocks Car- were scheduled to go on before we were scheduled at 11. However, due to vast technical difficulties/analities with the sound system, the first band didn't start till about 11:30. It was also then, in the midst of all the frustration, that my minor headache and sore throat began to worsen- but still we waited. We grew dead tired, but we figured,"Hey, we're here- we got our people to come all the way out and pay $5, we loaded the keyano and everything- we had might as well just wait and play, even if it's horrible and ends up just being a 'whatever let's have fun' show". Well, it was in the middle of the 2nd band that my conditions had turned into a pretty big fever, and there was absolutely no way that I was sticking around til 2 am to play for 5 people when we would all be at the absolute bottom of our game. So I said,"We're out." and we packed up and headed out. The other funny thing was that weeks later, after thinking the Canal Club had burned us in effigy, we contrarily received word that they were immensely apologetic about the whole thing. Jumpin' Jonny-Cakes.

    Well, we're not sure whether or not this Birthday Bash is going to pan out, but it's nice to know that our music extends beyond its social niche- a definition We Know, Plato! will always seek to fulfill.

    See you all on the 30th at 7 pm, when we make our return to The Canal Club to play with Mercy Mercedes, Stella by Starlight, and A Suffocating Signal.

    This is Benvolio Willson-
    thanks for stopping by.