Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Featured on OurStage's Daily Blog

I was just informed today that randomly and out of the blue, We Know, Plato! are featured in the daily blog on

And even more to my surprise they are featuring "Hollow Bird". Out of all the songs they chose to feature they picked what seems to be our least popular song, at least by fans. However, myself, Todd and Ben are all fans of this song. It's an enigma.

But yeah head over to check out the blog and be sure to sign up with the site so you can vote for us in future competitions as well as discover great new bands and win awesome prizes for yourself. It's an amazing site and lots of fun. Check it out if you have yet to do so,

That is all for now and thanks for voting for those of you that did.
& We Know, Plato!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

More Updates for October

Ok Everyone,

It's me again writing to update you on how progress is coming with the EP as well as other news.

First, the EP is coming along pretty well. We are almost done tracking. A little behind schedule but nowhere near how behind we were way back when we had to record the drum parts over and over and over again. Love Song and Sandstorm are close to completion with the exception of the final vocal tracking and bass tracking which shouldn't prove too difficult or time consuming.
I still feel the Ep will be ready to go before October's end. The biggest obstacle now that could delay the project is just coming up with the insane amount of money it costs to get a CD mastered and printed. So hopefully by time everything is done we will have that all sorted out too.

Next, we have two shows coming up in October, at least as of right now. The first show on October 7th will be at our favorite small venue, The Camel; with our good pal alexENGGIST and the California band, Run, Run, Run. Should be a great show so come on out if you can.

The next show is at Highwater Restaurant in Toad's Place on October 17th. This will be with our friends and amazing band, At The Stars. If you like old school U2, Coldplay and Radiohead come on out and check out At The Stars and of course definitely come out to see us open the set that night.

Oh yeah, we will have TWO NEW SONGS to unveil to you at both shows, we might even have a few more than two by the 17th, we'll see how that goes. We will also have a few other little surprises at the shows.

And lastly...

T-SHIRTS!!!! We will finally have them!!!!
Yes it's true, We will have We Know, Plato! t-shirts for sale at our next shows.
We are aiming to have them done in time for the October 7th show but DEFINITELY by the October 17th show.

So there you have it, you now have even more great incentive to come to the shows we have lined up for the month of October!
Everyone come out, show your support, hear some old and new songs and get yourself some WK,P! T-Shirts. Don't forget to bring all your friends too.

Thanks for stopping by!
& We Know, Plato!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Turn On The Outside Lights EP - OCTOBER RELEASE!

Alright kids!

I know it has been a very VERY long wait and a wait that neither I nor the rest of the band could have anticipated. We ran into some issues with tracking the drums which we had to record first before we could move forward with the rest of the instruments, and finally figured it all out and at long, long last got the drums recorded and ready to go.

Now I have set a strict and solid schedule I am trying my best to keep. In between working a day job and sleeping I am going to be spending every free moment recording the rest of the instruments and mixing. The first two weeks of September are slated for Recording the rest of the parts for all the songs and the second two weeks are devoted to mixing the songs.

So given that schedule we will have final mixes of all songs ready to be sent off to be mastered and then printed up at the start of October. After that it is just in the hands of the mastering engineer and the press and then soon we will have the final product ready for release by the middle or at the latest the end of October.

I know it has been a long wait and we thank you so much for hanging in there and being patient with us. We know this batch of songs will be worth the wait.

We will keep you all updated as we get closer to a set release date.

Thanks everyone!